Qualifying for a mortgage while on maternity leave

Dreaming of homeownership amidst the joys of new parenthood? 🍼 Let's address a common concern for new or soon-to-be parents: qualifying for a mortgage while on maternity or paternity leave.

Let’s dive into how you can secure that dream home even during this special time in your life.

For lenders, stability and consistency of income are crucial factors in determining your eligibility for a mortgage. But fear not! A "Return to Work" letter from your employer can be your ticket to qualifying smoothly. This letter confirms your historical income and provides a clear timeline for your return to work, enabling us to use 100% of your gross income to support your mortgage application.

By providing this letter, you reassure lenders that your income will soon be back to its regular level, easing any concerns about financial stability during your mortgage term.

So, to all the new and soon-to-be parents out there: rest assured that your homeownership dreams can stay on track, even during this exciting time in your life. Let's work together to make it happen!


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